2021 Biz Recap + Lessons

there is no magic formula but here are a few lessons from us

Hey friends! It's been a great but long and eventful year here at Unruly Media Group, and I'm so glad you all have stuck along for the ride!

 With the new year upon us, I'm taking some time to reflect on all that happened and the many lessons along the way.

 ...and there were a lot of them!

 This year we have accomplished so much! Sometimes, it's hard to grasp just how much we were stretched. When you're in the thick of it, it's almost impossible to fully see the transformation.

 After spending half my life in corporate America, I learned a-thing-or-two about what I didn't want in a company. I spent a lot of time figuring out how I wanted to run a non-traditional marketing agency, where we could break barriers and play by our own rules. Looking back on the journey, I am so proud of all we have accomplished just this year. We went from a one-woman team to a team of four amazing ladies! (Still pinching myself)

 Now for the truth, while we have experienced growth and client wins, there have been struggles, too. Hard lessons learned and lots of failures. By now, you should know I like to tell it how it is and not paint a false reality of entrepreneurship so buckle up! I'm taking you for a ride.

There’s no magic formula

First, business "gurus" have been lying to us.

 There is NO secret sauce.

 Social media is a highlight reel, and while it may look like the businesses you admire achieved success overnight, that simply is not true. A lot is happening behind closed doors that no one talks about.

 But I get it because I once was there too. I was frustrated building a puzzle with pieces that didn't fit because I was taking from everyone else rather than focusing on what was right in front of me. But once I realized how all the noise was influencing me, everything changed.

 I didn't set out to be a copy/paste of someone else, and I'd bet real money that neither did you.

 Ummm, will the real Slim Shady please stand up?

 Listen... Fundamentally, your business is different because it has YOU. But Ralph Waldo Emerson said it best "what lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies within you". So step into the light and let your real self shine.

 The takeaway here, the comparison game is killing your business and stunting your growth. The quicker you can develop tunnel vision, the better. Put your head down and mind your business. Literally!

 There is no magic pill or cookie-cutter solution that guarantees success. Success takes time, plus a lot of trial and error.

Contracts and all things legal

Where do I even start here... Business legalities played a big role for me this year.

This is definitely an investment I wish I would've made in year 1.

And I'm not talking about contract templates -- I had plenty of those!

 This year, I invested in a real law firm to get our contracts in tip-top shape. From our employee offer letters, employee agreements, and client service agreements, everything went under professional legal review. But not just that, I got the guidance I needed to understand what each term of my agreements even meant to my specific business model and needs.

 I can't stress this enough...

 Even as a small business or solopreneur, it is important to protect yourself legally. Not negotiating or agreeing to terms you don't quite understand can leave you and/or your clients in a bad place. And trust me, sh*t happens!

 Well-written contract clauses not only protect you but also protect your customers and ensure both parties will be satisfied.

Unhappy customers, yep it happens

Brace yourself for this because it will happen to you.

 I know, I know. But you love your business and your customers and you're giving it your all, right? How can a customer possibly be unhappy?!

 No matter what industry you are in, there will sometimes be someone that is just unhappy. And here's another hard pill to swallow...

 Sometimes, you will be in the wrong.

 You are human. Perfectly imperfect and not a fail-proof computer program. You will make a mistake, maybe even a few with your client deliverables.

 So if this hasn't happened to you yet, let this be your sign to put a plan in place for how you deal with internal mishaps when it does.

 When this inevitably happens, what's more important is how you respond to the situation. Put your ego and pride to the side and do your best to make amends. Listen to your customers' concerns, what went wrong and where you missed the mark.

 Offer up extra hours, a revision, and even more frequent check-ins. Hopefully, you can turn the ship around. If this is not the case, follow your cancellation clause and terminate the agreement. You won't always be able to please everyone.

 Pour yourself a drink and journal. Use the experience as an opportunity to make improvements to your client experience. This doesn't mean you're a bad business owner and you should close up shop. So readjust your tiara and avoid that mistake next time. There will be others that need your attention anyway ;)

Wrap up

Remember there’s no secret sauce to achieving success, you have to put in the work to develop and market your business to the RIGHT people! 

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