How To Use Canva To Create A Professionally Designed & Curated Instagram Feed

Have you ever came across an Instagram feed so unorganized and all over the place that it made you want to click the back arrow? 

Without a professionally curated Instagram feed that is aligned with your brand, your valuable content can get lost in the online clutter. 

If you use Instagram as one of the social media platforms for your business, then you know the importance of having a well balanced and on-brand feed. 

Your Instagram feed is the equivalent of your storefront. You want to make sure that your feed showcases your brand, sets you apart, and invites your audience and potential leads to come in and fall in love with your content. 

Below, we’re sharing 4 ways that you should be using Canva, the most popular and easy-to-use graphic design platform, to brand your Instagram feed. 

  1. Identify your brand colors & fonts

As an entrepreneur or online business owner, creating a strong brand identity is key to standing out in the online space. 

Although brand identity is composed of more than just your colors and fonts, having these two elements in place will help guide you in designing your beautiful Instagram feed. 

Finding the perfect mix of colors to evoke the right emotions in your ideal clients is crucial for your brand and business. The same thing applies to your brand fonts. 

Canva Pro allows you to easily create multiple color palettes. You can also choose your brand’s fonts based on the hundreds of fonts they have available.

Once you’ve identified your brand color palette and fonts, you can use one of Canva Pro’s best tools, “brand kit,” to gather them in one place. 

Pro tip: When creating graphics in Canva, use your brand kit to give your Instagram feed a more cohesive, on-brand look and feel. 

2. Create templates for your graphics

Now that you created your unique brand kit in Canva, you can start creating templates for your Instagram posts. 

Whether you like to share motivational quotes, infographics, or tips with your audience, having templates will ensure that your feed is always on-brand and consistent. 

Graphic designing can take long hours to perfect, but Canva makes it incredibly easy for entrepreneurs and business owners like us to curate a professional Instagram feed.

By using Canva to create templates for your Instagram posts, you won’t need to create a new graphic from scratch every time. Using templates will speed up the editing process and make it so much easier!

Pro tip: You can also use the design of your Instagram graphics templates and turn them into Pinterest templates, Facebook group banners, Facebook group events, blog graphics, or Instagram story templates!

3. Add your logo or Instagram handle to your posts

New content is constantly being posted to Instagram every single day. How can you ensure potential leads who are finding your posts through a shared story or hashtags recognize that it’s you?

We recommend adding your logo or Instagram handle to your Instagram graphics or photos.

Canva Pro’s brand kit allows you to not only create a color palette and fonts for your brand but also store your logo and other important elements or images.

Strategically adding your logo to your Instagram posts, whether they’re infographics or regular photos, will help your audience and potential leads recognize your content aka raise your brand awareness.

Pro tip: When creating your templates, be sure to add your logo or Instagram handle to speed up the editing process!

4. Create thumbnails that look good on your feed

As Instagram Reels become more popular, it’s important that we find a way to integrate them into your beautifully curated Instagram feed. 

The best way to share not only your Reels but also our IGTVs on our feed is to create on-brand thumbnails that give our audience or potential leads a brief description of what your video is about. 

Aside from increasing your views and reach, using a thumbnail will allow you to share this valuable video-form content in a way that’s consistent with your feed. 

Pro tip: When you create your Instagram post graphics, also create templates for your IGTV and Reels covers. This will speed up the editing and posting process.

the recap…

If you don’t use Canva for your Instagram feed yet, this is your sign! It’s truly a game changer when it comes to designing a cohesive feed. 

Designing a professional, on-brand Instagram feed will give you a cohesive and unique online presence, help you easily attract your ideal clients, build trust with your audience through consistency, and make sure your content doesn’t get lost in the online clutter.

Ready to take your Instagram feed game to the next level? Sign up for Canva here!

don’t forget to pin it!
