2021 Marketing Trends You Need To Know About

Do you have your marketing game ready for 2021? 

If you want to hit all of your revenue goals, book out your services, sell out your launches, and hit all of your quarterly revenue goals, you need a detailed marketing strategy to help you win the game. 

In this post, we’re giving you the 411 on what’s happening in social media and marketing in 2021 to help you get ahead. 

High-quality SEO in content marketing is making a comeback

We’ve all heard about SEO and the importance of applying it to our websites, social media accounts, and content. But how much did you actually focus on your SEO strategy in 2020?

SEO will continue to be a very important piece of content marking in 2021, but the key to SEO success will be to create highly engaging content that differentiates you from all of the ‘Ultimate guides’ out there.

How can you get ahead of this trend? Create (or outsource) a solid SEO strategy and conduct deep keyword research to gather those high converting long-tail keywords. Then, focus on creating content that you know your ideal clients would engage with.  

Something NEW to note: Instagram is making it easier to search the app using keywords! Find potential keywords by searching phrases related to your niche and content on IG and start using those in your captions, hashtags, and image alt text!

SMS marketing is taking over the game

Have you seen “Text me” followed by a phone number in anyone’s bio yet? SMS marketing is an emerging trend, and it’s connecting businesses with clients in a whole new way. 

SMS marketing, also known as text message marketing, is a strategy based on sending texts to your community members to create a more personalized and high-touch experience.

Here are a few reasons why you should consider trying out SMS marketing in 2021: 

  • It’s one of the most personal forms of marketing. People use texting to connect with their family and friends so once they opt-in to receive your texts, consider yourself part of that inner circle.

  • According to Mobile Marketing, average SMS open rates are as high as 98% compared to just 20% for emails!

  • Whether it’s time-sensitive offers or motivational quotes, you can choose what type of text messages you want to send to your audience. 

    Using this personalized form of marketing can help both product or service-based businesses see an improved ROI on their marketing. Some SMS marketing platforms you can use our Community and Textedly.

The rise of chat-rooms & private communities

Building a community that your clients want to be a part of is crucial to your marketing strategy these days. However, simply posting on your feed isn’t going to cut it. 

In 2021, we see a rise in chat-rooms and private communities that make your community feel seen. 

Some ways you can get ahead of this marketing trend in 2021 and build intimacy with your online community are:

  • Starting a FB group

  • Creating a private membership

  • Joining platforms like Clubhouse or House Party app and invite your community members to join

To get the most out of this marketing trend, go beyond doing market research, and actually get to know the people you’re serving. This goes a long way!

Educational, micro-video content is taking the storm

Short and binge-able video content is on the rise. We’ve seen this with the emergence of TikTok, Instagram Reels, and even YouTube’s Shorts. 

Businesses that are adopting this new form of content into their marketing strategy are gaining thousands of followers and leads.

Less is more nowadays when it comes to sharing your educational content with your followers. If you can give value and intrigue your followers in under 60 seconds, they’ll want to continuously come back and binge-watch your content. 

Embracing change and innovating in your business will give you a better chance at striking a lot more traffic which means more leads and more sales.

the recap…

There you have it! These are some of the marketing trends that we foresee taking over the business in 2021. 

We share these with you to make you aware of different ways you can diversify your content, increase engagement, and grow your business. 

By no means do you have to implement every trend into your business? 

It’s all about knowing your ideal client. What type of content do they like to consume? What platforms do they hang out in the most? What would make them want to be in your space? 

Once you’re clear on these things, then you can decide which marketing strategy will suit your business best. 

What changes will you be making to your marketing strategy in 2021? Share it with us in the comments - we’re curious to know

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If you want to reach all of your business goals in 2021, you need a detailed marketing strategy to help you win the game. In this post, we’re giving you the 411 on what’s happening in social media and content marketing in 2021 to help you get ahead.
If you want to reach all of your business goals in 2021, you need a detailed marketing strategy to help you win the game. In this post, we’re giving you the 411 on what’s happening in social media and content marketing in 2021 to help you get ahead.