How To Measure Your Social Media Success With Google Analytics (+ Free Dashboard!)

Unruly opinion: Data is the sexiest part of marketing.

So many people will tell you metrics + analytics aren’t sexy but that couldn’t be further from the truth. ⁠⠀

Knowing your marketing numbers will help you understand the effectiveness of your campaigns + messaging, where your customers are coming from + vital details about who they are so that you can make sure that your marketing speaks to them. ⁠⠀

And our personal favorite, it allows you to know if you are wasting your time and money!

In this blog post, we're sharing 4 Google Analytics metrics that you should track in our business to improve your marketing, save time, and give you insight into your social media conversions.

Total Sessions

Total sessions give you a balanced gauge of how well your website is performing.

A session is a period of time a user is active on your site. One session includes every page view, click, and transaction tracked during a specific period of activity. If a visitor comes back several hours later that will count as a new session.

If your goal is to increase traffic to your site, pay attention to this number!

Sessions from Social

Sessions from social show you how many people are visiting your website from your social media channels like Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook.

You can also see which social media channel exactly each session came from.

This is a great metric to track if you use social media as one of your main marketing platforms!

Landing Pages from Social

Landing pages from social allows you to see what pages on your social media channels get clicked on the most by your social media followers.

Over time, you'll begin to see a pattern of which landing pages are getting the most traffic and will have more insight into what you can be creating or sharing on your site to improve traffic.

Pinterest Traffic by Individual Pins

This metric has to be one of our favorites!

With Pinterest traffic by individual pins, you can see which pins are attracting Pinterest users to your website the most.

This is extremely useful if you use Pinterest to drive traffic to your website and generate leads.

the recap

While Instagram and Facebook Insights will give you some basic information, they don’t truly paint the picture of what your dreamy customer actually does when they land on your website.

So if you’ve ever wondered where they are landing, how much time they’re spending there, which social channel is driving the most traffic and which Pins are performing best, then our FREE, easy-to-read Social Media Dashboard will be your new best friend.

With our Social Media Dashboard, you'll easily be able to see all the metrics we discussed in this post along with other important ones so you can measure your social media success!

By learning and tracking these metrics, you will gain deep insights that will help you to make great decisions in your business!



don’t forget to pin it!