How to Win on Pinterest: Pinterest Tips for Business

Easy To Implement Tips For Small Biz Owners Wanting to Get Started on Pinterest

If you’ve landed here, you’re likely at a stage in your entrepreneurial journey where you want to unlock the “mysterious” powers of Pinterest you’re always hearing about.

You know the ones…

“Pinterest is the number one source of traffic for my business”

“I tripled my leads from Pinterest”

“Potential clients or buyers are looking for you on Pinterest”

If any of those ring a bell, well, welcome! You’ve definitely landed in the right place and I’ll be the first to tell you that unlike other “hacks” or false promises, the powers of Pinterest are real.

And with a little upfront effort and strategy in place, you can unlock those powers too. So let’s dive into these 5 tips to help you get started with Pinterest on the right foot.

Tip 1: Define your strategy

As you embark on this wonderful new journey towards Pinterest success, the very first thing you should have in place is a strategy. Your strategy will define your goals and purpose of using the platform, not to be confused with the tactics (or actions) you will take to meet those goals.

In my opinion, this is the most fun part of the ride.

Simply ask yourself “what do I want to get out of this?” and “how will I feel successful here?” and let that be the anchor to how you approach the rest of your plan.

Tip 2: Understand your audience

You’ve likely created an ideal buyer or client persona, also known as an avatar. This info sheet would include key details about your target audience like what they’re like, where they shop, any pain points they may be having, and so on and so forth.

Use your avatar to do a bit of research, right on Pinterest about how your target audience is using the platform.

One of the things I love MOST about Pinterest is how generous and transparent they are about how users engage on their platform. And as content creators and business owners, getting our info straight from the source makes our efforts much more fruitful.

Understanding how your target audience is using the platform, what type of content they are saving, what sort of things they are searching for, will help save you a TON of time in trying to figure out what you should be creating for the platform.

Tip 3: Create a pinnable brand

Okay, so you’ve got your strategy defined and feel confident in your knowledge of how your target audience is using Pinterest and what you will be doing to cross paths with them.

Hell yes! 🙌🏽🎉

So let’s switch gears real quick and focus on the audience you already have. A great way to win on Pinterest is to give your existing website visitors a chance to pin your content on Pinterest. You can achieve this by installing a pin-it button on your blog posts and website pages for smooth sharing. 

Add a Pinterest profile button to your website, social media and newsletter. The goal is to make it easy for your existing community to find you on Pinterest so they can reshare your awesome content and help expand your reach.

Tip 4: Brand your pins

If you’ve been here since the beginning, you know I’m all about brand consistency. This is easiest achieved through your brand identity and I love to sprinkle mine on almost every visual that I produce, especially within Pinterest.

With the platform being exclusively visual where compelling images and scroll-stopping designs reign, this is the best place to showcase your brand identity and gain recognition within your niche.

To do this, think about branding and aesthetic in your Pin designs. Consider adding your logo, company name, company URL, or watermarks on your Pins. Also, remember to create a catchy and unique description for your pins to capture the interest of Pinterest users. 

Tip 5: Use boards to your advantage

Don’t underestimate the power of Pinterest boards, okay?!

When someone on Pinterest discovers you, they have the option to follow ALL or SOME of your boards. This is why it’s so important to have more than 1 board to house your different Pins and the content you reshare.

Name your boards in a way that is easily searchable by your target audience and think of your naming convention as helpful (and relevant to your biz) categories, such as Marketing Tips & Resources, Sales & Strategy, Pinterest Tips & Resources, and the like. 

Remember, you want a discovery experience that will help you achieve your goals. With boards, you have the opportunity for maximum exposure.

How to win on Pinterest, the recap

With Pinterest as a key platform in your overall marketing mix, you will expose your business to an audience that is actively looking for what you have to offer. 

And that’s a fact.

Like I said, with a bit of upfront effort and the help of these five Pinterest tips, you will be on your way to unlocking the power of this great, beautiful platform.

Before you go, download this checklist so you can keep these tips handy and don’t forget to Pin this post. ;)

don’t forget to pin it!
