Why YOU should take a CEO day


This should be you.


My friend, if you haven’t gotten into the practice of taking a CEO day once a week, you aren’t living.

As an entrepreneur, maintaining a healthy work - internal work - life balance is key. By internal work, we mean getting all of those tasks and necessary things done to keep your business moving forward.

You know, like the stuff you’ve been putting off that needs to be taken care of? The admin work, biz courses, cold email outreach, bookkeeping, organizing, blogging? That stuff?

THAT is what a CEO day is for.

What is a CEO Day?

A CEO day is essentially just a day for you to be the CEO, and take care of CEO things. Most of your time is probably spent as the salesperson, marketer, copywriter, content creator… but never as the CEO of your own business.

If you let too much time slip by, suddenly your business is running YOU (and that is not why you started your own gig, is it?) 

A CEO day is one day a week that you set aside to take care of the very necessary parts of your business that need to keep running for you to grow, learn and scale. So often, we entrepreneurs let our businesses run off on their own two feet… and then we regret it when tax time comes, or we wish we had taken that one course to learn that one thing we need right now.

Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur, or you run a multi-faceted, thriving business, you deserve (and need) a CEO day.

Tips & Tricks for Your CEO Day

Getting into the habit of carving out time to give yourself time can be difficult. Ironic, isn’t it?

Here are a few tried and true tips that have worked wonders for us:

  • Set aside the same day every single week, and tell your clients you are unavailable for that day. Example: we set aside Fridays weekly, and our office hours are Monday-Thursday. Our clients are aware of that, and totally OK with it.

  • DO NOT let any client work creep into your CEO day. Your CEO day is YOUR day to be creative, batch work content, learn new skills, work internally. Your CEO day needs to be guarded with tenacity and precision. Your client work needs to happen on your other working days. You’ll find that your efficiency will increase tenfold by following the same schedule weekly, and you’ll have the peace of mind of knowing that all of that admin work you’ve been putting off will be taken care of once a week.

  • Put your office hours in your email signature, and only include your client office hours. This’ll help clarify any confusion on when you’re available and responsive to emails.

  • At the beginning of your CEO day, create a checklist of items you can commit to completing. This’ll keep you on track and yank you away from those unnecessary (and often shinier) tasks.

And lastly, enjoy the freedom of being your own boss, setting your own hours, and investing in yourself! 

You can thank us later.

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